616 n.e. 28th avenue portland 97232

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

rates for 2012-2013!

man, the years are creeping by quickly! 2012?! wow!
it's time for me to post my rates for those interested in coming to meadowlark next fall.
i typically raise my rates every other year. so, here's the cost for 2012 through 2014
tuition: monthly payment:
5 days $620
4 days $510
3 days $415
2 days $315
1 day $175
so, there you have it. and as i've mentioned, i'm not really blogging much these days. if you want to contact me, feel free to email. or check out meadowlark preschool's facebook page!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

project: front yard

this is the front door to meadowlark. welcome!
gardening, tree round furniture, wooden pieces ( for making bridges and ramps...)
playhouse with an eco-roof. tires to climb on and plant things in. more tree rounds for climbing, a bridge found 2nd hand and fixed up.... the yard is comin' along nicely, if i do say so myself.

ok... i've realized i'm not much of a "blogger". my last post was months ago. oops.
i've been busy working on the front yard at meadowlark. it's the size of a postage stamp! i've had many dreams of big yards with trees and room to run all over the place, but nope. not possible here. i kept my yard mostly empty with just grass for making it easy to run ( at least a little bit) but the grass turned to mud and the yard was messy and boring. so, i decided to make things to play with, climb on, hide behind, crawl under, etc... here's a few pics of what's happened so far. the kids are having fun and being much more creative in their play with all the new "props" in the yard. not pictured: narrow side yard with sandbox ( that i want to re-make next!) and rabbit hutch. ( we love our furry friends.)

Monday, May 9, 2011

bigger art show

yes! cupcakes!
a wall of wonderful, colorful, happy artwork!
a very dapper Felix and his awesome robot picture!

we had our annual art show at alma chocolate and, as always, it was such a lovely evening!
many of the children dressed up and enjoyed chocolate cupcakes and fruit punch while their mamas and papas admired their creations up on the walls of the shop.
love. love. love our art show. all month long i visit it and enjoy the work of my many creative students (while drinking a delicious chili-cinnamon mocha, no less!)

ps. on an unrelated note, i haven't forgot the folks that want to see pictures of meadowlark's front yard. there's been a delay on the roof of our new playhouse and i planned on waiting. i have not forgotten you.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

mini-art show

meadowlark has an art show at new seasons ( on 20th and division ) for the month of march. it's not as big a space as we have for our annual alma show, but the art is up and looks lovely nonetheless. if you're out and about in southeast portland, stop by and check it out!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

numbers are everywhere!

so many counting games and art projects.... this week we learned all about numbers and before long, children were counting everything! "i have 5 crackers in my lunch." "we have 2 cats at school." "i see 10 ducks on that page". they have become my mini-mathmaticians!
photos: carter's rocket countdown collage and lark's number stamping painting

Monday, February 14, 2011

facebook page? yep!

well, meadowlark has joined facebook as another way to spread the word. i'm not much of a blogger, it turns out, but i do want folks looking for a small, creative preschool to be able to find me. so, here goes.... a new place to see cute pictures and hear what we've been up to... possibly on a more regular basis, too. it's just listed as "Meadowlark preschool" ( they wouldn't let me do all lowercase.) check it out!
thanks, friends

Saturday, January 15, 2011

circles, squares, trapezoids!...

my student, felix, has been asking "when can we learn about shapes?" ( he's actually been asking for a few weeks now, but i already had lessons planned and field trips in place for other themes.) finally, this week, i told him it was time and he was so excited! jump-up-and-down-and-squeal-excited! it's fun letting the children help plan the curriculum.

photos (top to bottom): Eva traces shapes in a book.
Sylvia makes a shape collage.
Felix makes up a triangle yoga pose ( and then proceeds to make as many other shapes as he can with his body!)