616 n.e. 28th avenue portland 97232

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

shameless promotion.

well, it's true that i am still looking for a few students for fall and i want to tell folks about something that makes meadowlark (in my opinion) so super wonderful...
we have an amazing array of professional artists that visit our school on a regular basis to work with the children! isn't that cool?
the following are our regular visiting artists and links to their websites:
iris nason-growingartscenter.com -iris teaches dance, yoga, stretching and more.
samantha van der merwe- shaking-the-tree.com -samantha is a storyteller and theatre teacher.
mylinda king- home.teleport.com/~marimba/marimles.htm -mylinda is a marimba instructor.
sam cooper- myspace.com/samcoopermusic - sam sings and plays banjo, guitar, and fiddle.
the children LOVE the days we have visitors. and parents LOVE that their children are being exposed to so many different art forms in addition to the art projects that i lead.
so there, that's my post bragging about the school.

Monday, July 26, 2010

sea creatures.

we are learning about the ocean and there are so many fun sea creature art projects to do!
at meadowlark, we're always making things: drawing, painting, glueing, collaging, beading, sewing, sculpting...
my background is in fine arts and i taught children's classes at the portland art museum for many years before starting meadowlark. in fact, i have been an artist for forever (it seems). as a child, my answer to "what do you want to be when you grow up?" was always very enthusiastically, "an artist!"
i feel so lucky to spend my days teaching through art and watching young artists create such beautiful things. their creativity constantly amazes me.
here are a couple of our ocean projects. note: the jellyfish are made from old gelato cups, scraps of ribbons, lace, and other fabric trim... we love using "junk" for art.

Friday, July 9, 2010

three words....

i. love. summer.
thursday afternoon pool party. splashing. giggling. running through sprinklers.
hot sun, cold water, chubby legs stick out of cute, flowery, ruffly suits.
the smell of sunscreen, hands sticky from watermelon...summer, summer, summer!
i love summer!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

summer fun to come.

summer program starts next week. hooray! it's been awfully quiet around here these last couple of weeks. after some lazy mornings at the neighborhood coffee shop and some outings to the gorge and sauvie's island, i'm ready to have my friends back at school. let's have picnics in the park, make messy art outdoors, have a lemonade stand, and play in the sprinkler on extra hot days!

and just because i have a plethora of cute photos, here's one of josie during movement class. our dance teacher, the lovely iris nason, often brings these big stretchy fabric pieces and the children love moving around in them. so fun to watch.